Channel Your Inner Animal With These 16 Yoga Poses on International Yoga Day

Channel Your Inner Animal With These 16 Yoga Poses on International Yoga Day

  • 21 Jun 2016
  • Fathima AbdulKader
  • Features

In school days Yoga was something else we endured; weird poses we challenged each other with and making the funny pose names even funnier- but most of us leave this study and the poses behind once it stops being a part of our syllabus. Of all the poses in yoga, the downward facing dog and animal poses are perhaps the most famous. According to popular belief, ancient yogis would go out into the forest and developed these postures through observing and copying animal behavior.

In honor of International Yoga Day, let’s all take a moment (or hopefully quite some time) to appreciate the fauna in yoga. Check out  why Nuthan Manohar of Me Met Me recommends the cobra pose while Rohini Oberoi of Kaivalya Studio gives you the scoop on the crow pose.


Boar- Varahasana

  • Energizing posture
  • This builds the strength in the legs, feet, abdominals, and back
  • Stretches and open the chest, upper back, shoulders, hamstrings and buttocks

Camel – Ustrasana

  • Stretches and opens the front of the body. It also strengthens the back and shoulders
  • Relieves the body of lower back ache
  • Improves flexibility of the spine and also improves posture
  • Helps overcome menstrual discomfort

Cat –Marjayasana

  • Plays a key role to correct the posture of an individual
  • Also invigorates the spine and internal organs.
  • It relieves tension in the lower back.
  • Plays a significant role in purifying the blood and regulating the blood circulation in the human body.


Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana ( Me Met Me Recommends)

Nuthan Manohar of Me Met Me yoga studio recommends this pose because people usually uses front of the body and this pose stretches out and strengthens the lower back. 

The spiritual reason is that this pose awakens one's kundalini (prime energy).

Cockrel Pose– Kukkutasana

  • strengthens the muscles of the arms and shoulders.
  • It helps to broaden the chest.
  • It loosens the legs.
  • It helps to develop a sense of stability and balance.

Crow Pose- Kakasana (Kaivalya Reccomends)

Rohini Oberoi of Kaivalya Yoga studio recommends Kakasana or the crow pose because it is a great pose for building upper body strength. It also requires a lot of concentration and willpower, quite similar to the tenacity exhibited by crows.

Crocodile Pose – Makarasana

  • A relaxation pose between other asanas
  • A relaxation method when you are tired.
  • Gives deep relaxation to the shoulders and the spine.

Downward-facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana

  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
  • Energizes the body
  • Stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
  • Strengthens the arms and legs


Elephant’s Trunk – Eka Hasta Bhujasana

  • Strengthens the arms and shoulders.
  • Opens your hips.
  • Stabilizes your pelvic girdle.
  • Improves balance and coordination.

Frog – Mandukasana

  • Increases the quantity of insulin so it is beneficial for curing diabetes.
  • Cure the problems related to stomach.
  • It is beneficial in cardiovascular diseases.
  • Useful for flexibility of thighs and legs.
  • Reduces extra fat from thighs and hips.

Hare – Shashankasana

  • This asana relaxes the mind and relieves depression.
  • It tones the pelvic muscles and relieves sciatic pain.
  • It can help in sexual disorders.
  • It gives a good relaxing stretch to the upper body.

Horse – Vatayanasana

  • Vatayanasana strengthens the leg muscles and improves the blood circulation
  • It tones up the sexual organs and generally stimulates the whole body.

Lion – Simhasana

  • It helps reduce stress and tension on the chest and the face.
  • It stimulates the platysma ( a thin, flat, rectangular muscle that lies on the front of the throat). It keeps this muscle firm as we continue to age.
  • It helps get rid of any infection that affects the respiratory tract.
  • It helps exercise the tongue owing to the full stretch outside the mouth.

Monkey – Hanumanasan

  • Stretches and strengthens muscles in the hamstrings, thighs and groin region.
  • This yoga pose also stimulates the abdominal organs and improves their functioning.
  • A regular practice of this pose ensures that the hips become more flexible over a period of time.

Snake – Sarpasana

  • All the organs of abdomen get proper massage.
  • Strengthens chest and shoulders.
  • This is one of ideal asana for weight loss.
  • Increases appetite and cures constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, diabetes, and acidity.

Tiger – Vyaghrasana

  • Maintains and improves flexibility of the spine, and hip mobility.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks, hips and legs and deepens the breath.
  • A beneficial exercise for mothers shortly after giving birth


If you want to go out and about to attend yoga events in honour of world yoga day, head down to Natura Yoga Day for medical check up, yoga classes and privilege card for participants or attend the free yoga workshop by beats n steps.

Compiled by: Fathima Abdul Kader

Images: Various Sources

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